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Cristina Bahiense was born in Rio de Janeiro, where she lives and works. She holds a degree in psychology from the Universidade Federal do RJ (UFRJ). She studied art history at PUC ( RJ-2000). In the 1980s, she enrolled at the Escola de Arte Visuais do Parque Lage (RJ), where she attended several courses in the institution’s ongoing art workshop; she returned to the EAV (EAV- RJ) in 2000, having studied under Fernando Cocchiarale, Guilherme Bueno, Reynaldo Roels Jr. Currently attends the group of study in art and philosophy with Paulo Sérgio Duarte. She has participated in many exhibitions and group shows, including Arte Brasileira Atual [Current Brazilian Art] (Museu do Ingá, Rio de Janeiro, 1984), Como vai você, Geração 80? [How Are You, Generation 80?] (EAV, RJ, 1984), 3o Salão Paulista de Arte Contemporânea (Fundação Bienal, SP, 1985) 13 Artistas do Rio (Maison de L’Amerique Latine, Paris;Centro Culturale Galleria D’Arte Braidense, Milano, 1987), Novos Novos [New New] (Galeria de Arte do Centro Empresarial Rio, RJ, 1987), 10 Anos de Acervo – Coleção do Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes (MAM-RJ,1991), Novíssimos 2007 (Galeria Ibeu, RJ 2007), Construct. com (Galeria do Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes, 2009) and Foto Lage (EAV, RJ,2009) Diálogo da arte contemporânea [Dialogue of Contemporary Art] (AVA Galleria Helsinki, Finland, 2011). She has held solo exhibitions at Galeria do Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes (RJ, 1989 and 1991) [Untitled]; Superfícies Latinas [Latin Surfaces] at Sesc RJ(Teresópolis, 2007); Percursos [Trajectories] at Galeria Ibeu (RJ, 2009) , Relevos Transitórios [Transitory Reliefs] at Centro Cultural Justiça Federal (RJ, 2011) and European and Latin American Biennial of Contemporary art- Porto- Portugal (2012) ARTIGO Contemporary Art Fair 2012 AVA galeria(RJ). Her work may be found in the White Martins Colletion, André Arias,Collection Eugenio Pacelli, Escola Panamericana de Arte, Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes and Ibeu collections.